Forecast for Friday 7th of February 2025, North Island, south east of Hamilton

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Please bear in mind these are just forecasts, and forecasts can be wrong.

Thermal Forecasts:

Thermal Updraft Velocity and Bouyancy/Shear RatioViewer0910111213141516171819One big page
Surface TemperatureViewer0910111213141516171819One big page
Normalised Surface SunViewer0910111213141516171819One big page
Thermal Height UncertaintyViewer0910111213141516171819One big page
Thermaling HeightViewer0910111213141516171819One big page
Surface HeatingViewer0910111213141516171819One big page

Cloud Forecasts:

Cumulus PotentialViewer0910111213141516171819One big page
Cumulus Cloudbase where CuPotential is more than 0Viewer0910111213141516171819One big page
OverDevelopment PotentialViewer0910111213141516171819One big page
OverDevelopment Cloudbase where ODPotential is more than 0Viewer0910111213141516171819One big page
Boundary Layer Cloud CoverViewer0910111213141516171819One big page
Convective Available Potential Energy (CAPE)Viewer0910111213141516171819One big page
1 Hour Accumulated RainViewer0910111213141516171819One big page

Wind and Lower Level Forecasts:

Surface WindViewer0910111213141516171819One big page
Boundary Layer Average WindViewer0910111213141516171819One big page
Boundary Layer Max Up/Down (Convergence)Viewer0910111213141516171819One big page

Upper Level Forecasts:

Vertical Velocity and Wind at 250 mb (~34,000 feet)Viewer0910111213141516171819One big page
Vertical Velocity and Wind at 300 mb (~30,000 feet)Viewer0910111213141516171819One big page
Vertical Velocity and Wind at 400 mb (~23,500 feet)Viewer0910111213141516171819One big page
Vertical Velocity and Wind at 500 mb (~18,000 feet)Viewer0910111213141516171819One big page
Vertical Velocity and Wind at 600 mb (~14,000 feet)Viewer0910111213141516171819One big page
Vertical Velocity and Wind at 700 mb (~10,000 feet)Viewer0910111213141516171819One big page
Vertical Velocity and Wind at 850 mb (~5,000 feet)Viewer0910111213141516171819One big page

Upper Air Soundings (SkewT-LogP):

Taupo Gliding ClubViewer0910111213141516171819One big page
Paeroa rangeViewer0910111213141516171819One big page
Kaimai range (at takeoff)Viewer0910111213141516171819One big page
Taumarunui Aerodrome (NZTM)Viewer0910111213141516171819One big page
Rangitaiki Aerodrome (NZRK)Viewer0910111213141516171819One big page
Galatea Aerodrome (NZGA)Viewer0910111213141516171819One big page
Tokoroa Aerodrome (NZTO)Viewer0910111213141516171819One big page
Wharepapa South Aerodrome (NZES)Viewer0910111213141516171819One big page
Piako Gliding Club, MatamataViewer0910111213141516171819One big page
Tauranga Gliding ClubViewer0910111213141516171819One big page
Taranaki Gliding ClubViewer0910111213141516171819One big page
Hawke's Bay Gliding Club, HastingsViewer0910111213141516171819One big page
Waipukurau Gliding ClubViewer0910111213141516171819One big page
Te Wera airstripViewer0910111213141516171819One big page
Raetihi airstripViewer0910111213141516171819One big page
Te Kuiti Aerodrome (NZTT)Viewer0910111213141516171819One big page
Boyd airstripViewer0910111213141516171819One big page
Kawhatau airstripViewer0910111213141516171819One big page
Gliding Manawatu, FeildingViewer0910111213141516171819One big page
Gliding Wairarapa, GreytownViewer0910111213141516171819One big page
Gliding Hutt ValleyViewer0910111213141516171819One big page
Wellington Gliding Club, ParaparaumuViewer0910111213141516171819One big page
Taupo Airport (NZAP)Viewer0910111213141516171819One big page
OhauitiViewer0910111213141516171819One big page
Hood Aerodrome (NZMS), MastertonViewer0910111213141516171819One big page
Norfolk Aerodrome (NZNF)Viewer0910111213141516171819One big page
Hawera Aerodrome (NZHA)Viewer0910111213141516171819One big page
Ruru TowerViewer0910111213141516171819One big page

Atmospheric Cross-Sections, Parallel to Upper Level Wind:


Above are the RASP forecasts generated for this region and day. Forecasts appear here bit by bit as they are generated. Check forecasts for a previous day to see which times can be expected to be available. If there are only some or no forecast times listed then either something has gone wrong, or no forecasts are ready yet. If so please check back in half an hour to an hour.

Each forecast image has a timestamp in the upper right corner, this timestamp shows at what time the forecast was generated, and how far in the future the forecast is from the actual observations it was based on. For example, the timestamp "[22hrFcst@0409z]" means the forecast was generated at 04:09 GMT, and the forecast is for 22 hours into the future from the time the actual observations were made. Note that the observations were not made at 04:09 GMT.

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